It is best practice to AGREE the Schedule of Condition at the outset of a Lease
We provide Schedules of Condition to protect You
Our experienced Dilaps UK Surveyors can help to protect you when you finally are in a Yield Up position giving back the property to the landlord and/or owner thereby saving you money and often long, costly negotiations. If you commission one of our knowledgeable Dilaps Surveyors to carry out a Schedule of Condition on the property you are going to lease prior to committing to the lease and have the Schedule legally appended to the lease this will nearly in all cases protect you from onerous dilapidations claims in the future.
In some cases however landlords who can see a future opportunity to capitalise on Dilaps settlements may not wish a Schedule to be included in the lease documentation. Frequently larger letting companies will outline their belief that it is a standard lease with the property being leased as seen and has to be given back as specified within the lease. We believe that if this is the position it is still very wise to obtain a Schedule of Condition which will serve as a record of the property in time gone by and be an invaluable record when negotiating a future Dilapidations claim.